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Business Hours: Monday to Friday

9 a.m. – 5 p.m.


Full Defense Litigation

From the start of discovery to file closure, including employer investigation and witness statements, depositions, expert cross-examinations, trial (and appeal as necessary), and lien handling. This includes bi-annual budgeting forms to assist in cost-management at every stage of a litigated claim.

Settlement Drafting/Walkthru

Drafting of settlement documents and/or walk-thru of these at the appropriate Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board.

Deposition Only Handling

Preparation for and appearance at Applicant depositions to obtain valuable information on an injured worker’s past injuries, medical treatment, employment history, and current symptoms. This includes attempting settlement at every deposition, unless otherwise instructed.

Lien Only Handling

Negotiation, settlement and/or trial of outstanding liens post-settlement, in order to facilitate file closure.

We Can Help You with Your Case

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